
Livyatan is an extinct genus of sperm whale containing one species: L. melvillei. The genus name was inspired by the biblical sea monster Leviathan, and the species name by Herman Melville, the author of the famous book Moby-Dick about a white bull sperm whale.

Some more information about Livyatan: 1. Higher classification: Physeteroidra 2. Order: Even-toed ungulates 3. Scientific name: Livyatan 4. Family: incertae sedis 5. Kingdom: Animalia 6. Phylum: Chordata


Pluto is a dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt, a ring of bodies beyond the orbit of Neptune. It was the first and the largest Kuiper belt object to be discovered. After Pluto was discovered in 1930 it was declared to be the ninth planet from the Sun. In 2006 Pluto was demolished as a planet. The rules that make a celestial body a planet were changed. There are three rules. Pluto followed only the first and second rule. Not the third rule. So it’s not a planet anymore.

Some more information about Pluto : 1. Orbital period: 248 years. 2. Discoverer: Clyde Tombaugh. 3. Moons : Charon,Nix,Hydra,Kerberos and Styx.

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